I am told that when Khyl was a little boy he was always taking things apart to see how they worked or trying to fix something. As a result, the Shumway family ended up with many broken objects. Well, the tables have been turned and he can basically repair or do anything it seems. Here are just a few of the fun things that he fixed lately.

This is a vending machine that we acquired about 4 years ago from a Zions Bank that I worked at. It was sitting in the basement, and I was told that it worked, but the key was missing. They gave it to me, and I had a key made, but it just didn't work right. Then, last night Khyl fixed it! We are so excited to have this addition to our game room (actually the garage). Thanks to Matt and Amy Beatty, who helped make it possible, and Jerom who discovered that it was fixed after we thought all hope was lost.

Khyl also "fixed" my hair. Yes, that's right, he highlighted my hair last Thursday. At first it was against his will, but he did such a great job, he is my new hair stylist. Seriously though, is that not the prime example that Khyl really can do or fix
anything? He is one talented guy!
Thanks for all you do Khy!