Sometimes I'll come home after a long (or short) day of work, see my wife, and just think to myself "damn!" Yesterday and today were both days like that. So, today i got the camera and started taking pictures.
It was funny because usually Taylor doesn't like us to take pictures of just her, but once she saw mom posing for the camera, she was all about it.

Then Tay wanted to get Lex in on the action, too.

Lex wasn't too stoked about that until Tay gave her some treats. Then she was good to go.(She has a big grin between her fat cheeks here.)

Anyway, I sure do love my girls. Check out Taylor's smile (below and in the first two pictures). I don't know where she got it, but anytime we tell her to smile, this is what she comes up with!
I've been trying to get a good picture of it for quite a while now. It's actually more like a 2-year-old's best impersonation of a Chinese person than it is a smile. So she'll have that face for about 1 or 2 seconds, then she'll slowly open one eye and see if the picture has been taken or not (I've got a bunch of those). She's a weird one but hey, what did you expect from shelly and me?

Then here I am smiling like Taylor - this is our best family picture, yet (Lexi loves me best if you can't tell). We need to get family pictures soon so throw recommendations our way if you can.

K speaking of poesying for the cam. Well...... I have been trying to get everything organized and so I was going through all these pic. I came upon the China pics. I was laughing so hard when Matt came home from basketball I Had to show him. I showed him the pictures of china when me Lind's and Shelly were stopped and asked by this guy if he could take our picture We said sure and started posing well when we got them back the only one in the picture was michelle. well at least most. Good times love ya
So cute! I miss ya!
Michelle is hot! We need to get together soon. We miss you guys!
Oh my goodness- do you always look so cute when your husband comes home? I should try to dress up when mine comes home!! Cute pics!
Oh! I love you guys. Let's be honest, I had just come home from a baby shower. I love my sweats as well as the next Mommy.
Plus . . . look at my hot hubby! He is the one that needs a photo shoot =).
Whenever I see Michelle I also think the "d" word-"dang!" You always look hot Mo, even in your sweats! For that reason it's hard being your sis. I enjoy everything else =)
P.S. more swearing it's a bad habit that you need to break. All I hear when I'm around you is cah cah!
Those are three hot chicks! Cute pictures!
Cute cute! Michelle you are just the hottest friend I have! I love your cute cute cute!
K please email your phone number or call me I wanted to chat with you
K ps I start all my comments with K
First of all, your wife is totally hot. . . :) Second, I'd love to photograph you next time I'm in UT! If that's not soon enough for you, let me know your price range and I'll throw a rockin' local photog at you. I know a million!
Michelle! Hi, it's your old roomie, Maren. I came across your blog through Anne Marie's. You and your little family are sooo adorable. I can't believe how big your girls are! There's a girl in my ward in VA that went to school with you...Becca....I don't know her last name. I think I'll pass your blog info along to her, if that's okay :)
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