Anyway, we had a great conference weekend and I got to spend some awesome time with the fam damily. Here are some of the highlights:
Tay & Lex's first sister bathtub pics:
Happy 6 months, LeXi!!!
Saturday evening Daron and I went to priesthood together. We may not be the most productive duo when it comes to things like that, but we sure did have fun! Daron found a woman's churchy levi jacket in the lost-and-found and wore that half the time. I took phone-video of a kid who kept falling asleep. His head bobbed up and down and up and down- prob. 5 times in the 30 second video (and for about 5 min. before and after that)! After, we went to eat at Macaroni Grill and I got in trouble with the waitress when I tried to mess up her handwriting when she wrote her name on the table. She was appalled.
On Sunday morning we had breakfast at Matt and Amy's. That was awesome because I ate soo much food and it was all delicious. (Thinking about it now makes michelle's mouth water.)
Sunday dinner at grandma and grandpa's:
We've actually got three daughters: Taylor, Lexi, and Madison- Tay's doll. Madison is like Tay's Amex: she never leaves home without it (TM).
And here is a sweet Shumway picture from a couple months ago when we hit up Cali with Ben and Steph:
(Shelly is an INCREDIBLE surfer)
I can't believe she is already 6 months! She is so cute.
It's so nice when you can clean both of them at the same time. They are going to be really good friends. I had no idea that Lexi was so soft and squeeze under her clothes. She sure has a talent to be able to look smaller with her clothes on.
your little girls are just adorable! So glad Jim told me you had a blog. Cool that you surf too-wish I could do that:)
So fun!! The beach looks so nice right about now!
Those are some cute little girlies you guys have there. I can't believe little Lexi is 6 months! Still bummed I missed you when you were in Cali... you should plan another trip for this fall when we get back- the fall is the BEST time to visit S.D.
Love ya
Hey! Sorry it's taken me a while to reply. Let's try to get together next week. What day works for you?
I bet Michelle IS an awesome surfer. She was always really good at random stuff like that.
I'm coming to UT in May/June. I want to see you guys.
I hate that they have to grow up soooo fast! They're so dang cute!
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