So, we love Jack Johnson.
We went to his concert last month and it was so cool. Getting general admission 'pit' tickets landed us front and center and about 12 people from the stage. Between songs I found myself really opening up to him. I yelled "jack, you own me," "don't quit now, jack," and other funny things that had the group around us chuckling and giggling - but no reaction from the band.
Well, I decided I needed to pull something out of my hat that would really get a reaction from jack himself. I opened up my mouth and it just came to me: "I want my wife to have your baby." It got a lot of laughs from all our new friends standing around us as jack johnson started into his song "same girl."
He was only a couple lines into the song when he quit, looked down, and said with a big smile on his face "I just messed up because of what you just yelled." It was so great!" Then he told the rest of the audience of 20,000 "so this guy up here just yelled 'i want my wife to have your baby,' and i was tryin' to play the song, but then i started thinkin' about it - and i messed up the words..."
At that point i grabbed shelly's legs at her knees and lifted her up so he could see her. Her new claim to fame is that, when he looked at her, he said "you're lovely." Isn't that awesome? He such an amazing guy. And he's a gentleman, too - if i were him I would've taken me up on the offer! Maybe he thinks we were in it just for the child support or something.

Anyway, in case you don't know us, it was a joke. AND, if you do know us and haven't heard, shelly is actually prego with baby number three for us!!! Due April 24th so if you're a guy that means we don't know if it's a 'princess' or a 'prince' in tay talk.
Lots of fun - life is great - we love all of you.
- Khyl
That's such an awesome story! I love band/show happenings like that. I once saw The Specials in Sacramento, and they have this song I love called Little Rich Girl. Neville, the singer, asked a question before the song, "Who's a little rich girl?" I started screaming all girlie like and threw my hands in the air. We were up next to the stage. He looked at me and said, "You're not a little rich girl." It was pretty funny. Though it doesn't really sound like it the way I described it. Anyway, good stuff. You guys need to get me into Jack Johnson, because I don't really know his stuff. I only know Curious George.
That is awesome!! I love Jack Johnson! You are so lucky to have been that close. That is so funny that he totally messed up. You guys are hilarious!
We are so excited for you guys! I love that you made JACK JOHNSON mess up a song! So funny! Lucky Michelle, he thinks you're lovely!
That was the funniest part of the concert! Jared actually leaned over and said "That's something Shumway would say." Go figure. CONGRATS CONGRATS on baby #3, y'all are husslers!
Khyl you are hilarious, but we don't expect anything less! Congratulations you guys, we're so happy for you!
congratulations on #3! i love this story, and i also think shelley is lovely. :)
Hooray for baby #3! Glad we got to be a part of that hilarious little rant. Even if we were a million miles away from you.
That's so funny that Kyle did that! Also, Congrats on the pregnancy!!!! Our due dates are only a week or so apart! So exciting!
i loved it!!! u got the whole crowd rolling!
and michelle...do u still text?!? what is up..i keep texting u & no responce! :) i hope u had a good bday..i tried gettin' a hold of u but no luck :)! AND i'm so happy about ur pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michelle, I don't have your email address, but tomorrow - TUESDAY - I'm going with a couple friends to the Lehi Legacy Center to take the kiddies swimming. Its indoors. You should come with us! Email me stacyleighrobbins at yahoo dot com. Hope you can come!!
Congradulations Michelle! Did you have to take Clomed this time?
Yeeha! Congrats. Hey lets get together. I am moving soon and wish that we could have hung out more. Come to think of it, why didn't we? We suck. Call me and lets make a date!
Love your guts, Linds
Hey Michelle, I haven't seen you forever!!! I got sucked into the blog world (through Kara's). It happens every few months. Anyway, I am glad I found you. You look great and have such cute kids. Not to mention a hilarious husband. Who wouldn't want you to have their baby? Good catching up, Nicole (Butler) Smith.
OH MY GOSH. I laughed out loud at that.
Richie and I know Jack from swimming lessons. His son is Raleigh's age. . . :)
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