I have the coolest next door neighbors. Because we live in college town, we have singles on both sides. I have made good friends with the girls who live to the south of us. About a week ago, Daphni called to take Taylor on a date. I ended up going along as well because it was to see 'Beauty and the Beast' perform in a play on Center Street. It was seriously so much fun! Taylor absolutely loved seeing Bell perform in person. She sat wide eyed and amazed the entire time. At the end she told me she wanted to be freinds with Bell, so we took her up to meet her. I think it made her year!

We totally went to that too, and it was the best!!! I'm so glad to hear that you guys went. The thing that is funny is that we were making our blogs about it at the same time! How do you like that?
So sweet of your neighbors! We miss you guys. Hope you are doing well. How is your pregnancy going this time around? I can't even imagine being pregnant again. Way to be tough!
Oh my goodness... Princess groupie heaven! Jadyn would have loved that! I am so glad that you guys got to go on a fun girl date.
That is so cute! I can't wait till Harper loves princesses instead of cars. And wait, so are you pregnant?
Michelle! Hey I don't have your email but I wanted to let you know Im starting a little playgroup if you're interested. We're meeting on Tuesdays - check em out at www.oremplaygroup.blogspot.com.
Awww, I bet Taylor will always remember meeting Belle!
That is the cutest! I love that she wore her matching princess dress! We do need to get together VERY soon. How about next week really! We can have a play group at my house or go to jump on it, etc. Any ideas?
Omg! I totally wanted to take Hailey to that. I think it's playing until the 5th of Oct., so maybe I will! Looks like Taylor was so happy!
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