I have to share with you so of Taylor's latest pieces of Art. I really do believe in letting her express herself, even if it means having more things to clean up. Of course I have to draw the line somewhere, and sometimes she crosses the line when I am not paying attention.
Taylor got some make-up for Christmas from her cousin Ty. She absolutely loved the gift, and has already almost used all of it! It was just a few days after Christmas when I turned around to check on why Taylor was being so quiet in the car that I found this . . .
I try to let her know that she is beautiful the way she is, but she saw it fit to apply base all over her body to hide all her blemishes. I decided to let her finish her masterpiece, and cover her car seat too.
Then a few days later I found her practicing on Lexi. I ended up throwing the make-up away, but she somehow found it in the trash can, and repeated the make-up session just a few days later. Lexi actually seemed to like it. It was really cute watching her grin from ear to ear as slowly her face was almost completely covered in thick glittery goo. Little did I know that she would be sporting the glitter for the next few days.
Although there are some days that by the time evening comes, I feel like I have run a marathon, and about to have an emotional break-down, I really do love being a mom. All my work seems like nothing compared to the joy that I feel when my sweet little Taylor hugs me and says "your a good mommy" (as she has done a couple of times in the last few days).
I love it!
Taylor is so sweet! Sorry the base was a little dark for her complexion.
Yay! I'm so glad you posted again. Good thing Lexi likes being made over so much, but you'll have to watch out when she AND Taylor can do makeovers together!
Hi Michelle, this is angie(septon) haskins. I just randomly found your blog! Your girls are so cute!! I am so glad that you did one. You need to tell steph to do one! Anyway I am going to add you to my blog. My blog is password protected so email me and I can send the password to you. Well hope all is well!
yeah...I love to keep up on your life! I love having a girl...Kinley loves being one too...her and lexi should be friends...they'll be tough from their older siblings and girly too...sweet mix if you ask me! Hope you can make it to Denali's sealing!
Tay is just the cutest! Well Mark and I just started a blog but I can't figure out how to put links to friends pages on my blog. Haha I'm so lost in this blogging world.
Hey !!!!! so I am so happy to have found you ya ya. Taylor is so cute and is getting old. And that little one is a doll. I need to talk to you. Well My little Jake is putting on Mascara. I keep telling him that only moms wear it and at that not that often. so I guess I should be thankful he hasn't found the base.
You ARE such a good mom! I love the pics of your girls. Darling! We had fun with you guys last week! Hope to see you again soon :)
That is so funny! That will be a great memory! Lexi looks like she has a good time!
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